Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplant in Pakistan – Hair loss has become an increasing menace and therefore people turn to the various methods of hair regrowth. Out of all the methods available, the hair restoration surgery is the best and most result yielding.
Hair is an integral part of any person’s outlook. It is a very important feature in any man or woman’s appearance and hence in case of lack of hair, the person loses confidence and self esteem and therefore it is a great damage for the patient. In order to reduce this damage among individuals, research and studies have resulted in the introduction of many treatments for hair regrowth. The best method is the hair transplantation surgery. It is basically the shifting of hair from an area of good growth to an area of poor or no growth. This method is performed under the effect of local anesthesia and is easy upon the patient. This surgery is basically performed in two ways, the strip method and the follicular unit extraction method (FUE). The strip method is a more typical method, in which the surgeon extracts a strip of hair from an area of dense hair growth. This strip is cut using a sharp scalpel and the place of the cut is then stitched up using stainless steel staples. The wound of this cut leaves a scar at the donor site. The FUE method is more advanced and technical as it requires the surgeon to extract individual follicles from the donor site and then plant these one by one on the recipient site or the bald patch. The FUE method cannot be performed by every surgeon since it requires a high degree of skill and expertise. The patient must first of all find out the cause of hair loss. Once the cause has been identified, it is necessary to rectify or uproot it so that the hair fall does not occur after the treatment. Once this has been done, the patient has to find a good surgeon. This can be done by doing some research with the help of the Internet. The candidate can search for surgeons and can determine their reputation by the testimonies of past patients which clearly state the experience people had with the surgeon. The cost of an FUE surgery is much higher than any other medical service. However, in some places such as Pakistan and Turkey the cost of this procedure is less. Pakistan is fast becoming a hub for hair treatments due to the reduced cost for excellent surgeries. Due to a heavy influx of patients from all over the globe, the surgeons in Pakistan are performing numerous surgeries on a daily basis and hence their experience is undoubted. The skills and artistry that are developed through a high number of procedures done make these surgeons popular and the number of satisfied patients is rising. Due to this, many more patients are also attracted to Pakistan and are more than pleased with the successful results. It is easy for a person to contact a Pakistani surgeon while being in their own country. Once the patient has made the decision of the surgeon, the most important step has been dealt with. The surgeon and patient decide a date for surgery, at which the patient is given local anesthesia and the surgery is completed with breaks during extraction and plantation. The patients who turn to Pakistan are usually happy with their surgery results and that is why more patients are attracted to the country. The surgeons here are qualified to perform the FUE method and have good command over all surgical steps.
F.U.E. method is more popular than the strip method due to the natural results and painless procedure.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is performing the best follicular unit extraction in Pakistan?
Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is performing the best FUE procedure in Pakistan due to his experience, skills and qualification.
Can we get the best results through follicular unit extraction in Pakistan?
Yes, you can get the best results through FUE and compare these results with FUT technique.
What is the price range of follicular unit extraction in Pakistan?
The price is 70 Rs per graft through FUE method in Pakistan.
How to get an appointment from the best surgeon in Pakistan?
To get an appointment you can call or contact through WHATSAPP +92-333-430-9999
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