Hair transplant Durban

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Hair transplant Durban patient traveled abroad to our clinic for baldness treatment. He suffered male hair loss for the last few years. Patient did his research on the internet and found our clinic abroad. Although hair restoration in Durban is available at a few clinics but patient saw many before and after photos so he decided to send us head photos. Our professional staff advised him for 2500-3000 grafts for his front corners and crown area.

Hair transplant Durban patient details 

Procedure date  31 Aug 2022
Age  38 years 
Plan  Right left corner & crown area
Technique  Micro FUE
Donor area  Back & sides
Baldness area  85 Square centimeter
Surgeon  Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry 
Contact  +92-333-430-9999

Hair transplant Durban patient

No. of grafts Single graft Double  Triple  Day 
 3087  685 1735   667  1 day 


Total grafts = 3087                       Total hair = 6156

Hair restoration cost Durban Vs abroad

The price for Fue procedure is charged in South Africa is  Rand 34.00 per graft while abroad at our clinic we charge Rand 9.50 per graft.

No. of grafts South Africa Pakistan
1.00 graft R 40.00 R 9.50
1000 40,000 R 950
2000 70,000 R 1900
2500 75000 R 22500
3000 80,000 R 27000
4000 grafts 100,000 36000

Best surgeon in Durban South Africa

Although two or three surgeons claim to be the best in South Africa, many people prefer to travel abroad for their treatment at 50% to 70% less price. There are many surgeons abroad, highly skilled and qualified and providing hair loss treatments through surgical methods. This specialization needs a basic degree of MBBS or MD and three to four years training and successful completion after the Board examination.

Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry did his MBBS from King Edward Medical college and specialization from Rene Descartes university Paris France and Claude Bernard University Lyon France. He has 22 years experience in this field and performed thousands successful procedures among male and female patients. Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is an Ex- visiting Associate professor Claude Bernard University Lyon France and currently established his clinic at Lahore Pakistan where people from different parts of the world travel for baldness treatment. 

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