When Does hair grow after hair transplant

Hair re-growth time after a hair transplant-Most people hold myths regarding a hair transplant. A patient needs to know how much time it takes for new hair to regrow after a hair transplant. Hair transplants procedures vary. Different kinds of transplants are available for patients of different types. It depends on the hair growth of the patients and their hair density. Usually the noticeable change starts appearing after six months of hair transplant. After the day of surgery, some tightness and itching occurs on the head, which goes away with anti inflammatory medicines. After this some shedding of hair takes place which is also a normal process after transplant. For 75% of the patients, the hair re-growth time after a hair transplant is ten months. Many patients start having new hair after twelve months of a transplant. Usually the process goes like this. After a transplant, no hair grows at all in the first few months. Some shedding usually occurs after a month and no one can notice if you ever went for a transplant. Almost about three to four months of surgery, hair starts growing as fine and soft transplanted hair and people can notice the change now. After a year of the surgery, the hair becomes thicker and fuller.

In a Fue transplant, the hair grows as a single group of thick and heavy hair together. Some patients are somehow unhappy with the post results of their hair surgery and wish to have one more session. At times the shedding occurs at a normal rate and sometimes shedding occurs at a higher rate. If shedding occurs abnormally, then the patient has to go for one more session of hair transplant. Some patients get disappointed after a hair surgery. Don’t lose hope. Still more has to come. Normal and fuller results of hair transplant are visible after a year usually. Some patients wish to have finer transplants and more sessions to have more hair and improve the results of the first Fue session.

The final determinants of the hair transplant are hair density, quality of hair, number of follicles per unit, and location of the final graft placement. A myth regarding a hair surgery is that hair can be taken from any part and the surgery would be a success. Taking appropriate hair from an appropriate place is a key to success. If hair is taken from a low density area, then you can’t be sure about the success of the hair transplant. And hair growth improves with the passage of time. Usually if more time is given, more hair growth takes place. Always give an additional year to the first session of your hair transplant to see the final results. Don’t expect hair re-growth in the few months of the surgery and don’t lose hope. Transplant procedure works slowly and gradually. For different people it yields mixed results. Each month after the hair transplant, more hair comes and joins the initial growth of the hair to make it denser. A good coverage of hair needs a minimum of one and half years.

Frequently Asked Questions 

When does hair grow after hair transplant in the scalp?

Normally transplanted hair growth starts three months after the procedure.

When does hair grow after hair transplant in the beard area?

Beard area or facial hair growth starts three months after the procedure..

When does hair grow after hair transplant in the scar area?

Normally three months of transplanted hair growth takes to establish and regrow. 

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